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Some takeaways from my transition… so far.


At the end of last year, I decided to make a drastic change in my professional life. After over 10 years spent with the Reebok brand, I chose to leave and start a new chapter. Since the start of the year, I’ve been actively working at setting up my own consultation business in leadership coaching and brand strategy. Coupled with a move back to Boston, an unforeseen pandemic, and a change in family dynamics (my oldest son moving out to start University), it has been quite the transition period. I would be lying if I told you everything has been going smoothly and all was moving along as planned. Like most people facing change and uncertainty, some days are better (or worse) than others, and anxiety creeps in once in a while…. But in all of this, I’ve learned a lot about myself and the tremendous value of certain things. For what it’s worth, here are some of my key takeaways from the last few months.

Self-Care is Fundamental 
I’ve always been an advocate for the importance of a healthy lifestyle. So I guess it’s not a surprise I lead with this point. Since the start of the year, I’ve actually doubled-down on meditation and fitness. It’s my way to deal with stress and anxiety and it does magic for me. It doesn’t necessarily eliminate all the negative energy, but it for sure allows me to be aware of my various states and helps me feel alive and grounded. Ultimately, you cannot run a race with a car that is not maintained properly. It’s that simple. And if you do, you’ll eventually run into a wall.   

Balance is Wealth
During most of my first 20 years in the professional world, I’ve over-invested time and energy towards my work. Although it allowed me to have some level of professional success, it could’ve led to personal issues if it wasn’t for having an amazing life partner. Looking back, I wish I had spent more time with family and friends. This transition period, and the forced confinement, allowed me to spend a lot more time with my wife and children. And that has given me tremendous energy and appreciation for what I have. I still work hard and put in serious hours towards my new career. But it’s not all that I do, and everyone benefits from that. Starting with me.

The Power of Purpose as a Compass
I won’t lie, leaving a secure job to start your own gig creates insecurity and anxiety (lots of it actually). But after spending the last 6 months working on my next chapter, I don’t regret my decision at all. And the main reason is quite simple, I now move towards what I know I want to do: helping people and organizations turn their potential into impact. I move towards my own purpose. And that is generating tremendous energy, stimulation and excitement. I’m still a long way from where I want to be and what I want to accomplish, but I know I’m on the right track. Don’t try to be what others want you to be, be what YOU want you to be.

Do the Work and Trust the Process
Seems simple, right? Well that’s because it is. Worrying about the future and how things will turn out is pointless and only becomes a source of stress. I speak from a place of experience. Over my career, I often got derailed by creating scenarios in my head of what “could be”. Today, I’ve conditioned myself to focus on the task at hand and to put in the work, day in, day out. Some weeks end up being better than others, but the mindset I attack each of them with is the same: Rigor, consistency, and a clear focus on the vision. At this point, all I have to do is trust the process. When you have a plan and lead with best effort and intention, things will usually fall into place in the long run.

The Strength of Authentic Relationships
One of my key personal principle has always been to treat each person I meet with respect, authenticity and empathy. It doesn’t mean I agree with everyone, or for that matter that I like everyone. But each interaction is based on these fundamental human values. Over the years, I had the privilege to build tremendous relationships and friendships. Human connections that inspired me, gave me energy, and supported me. The many messages I received from various people since the announcement I was pivoting to something new has been quite special and uplifting. Another proof that investing in meaningful and authentic relationships builds tremendous richness.

The above takeaways are probably not new to you. You probably came across them in some other article or self-help book. But for me, they took a whole new dimension over the last few months, helping me navigate change and uncertainty. We’ll let the journey continue and see what the next 6 months bring… 

Until then, stay fit and stay zen my friends.

