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What having a coach did for me. And could also do for you.

To be honest, a few years ago, I had never really thought about getting a coach. For some reason, the whole "coaching thing" seemed quite esoteric to me
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How we should really approach difficult discussions.

We all heard this at some point: “I had a good talk with ____, we are all set”. But how do we actually define “good” in that context…?
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The Impostor Syndrome. My take on dealing with an old friend.

The impostor syndrome is a real thing amongst today's leaders. Here's my take on how to deal with this old friend.
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Some takeaways from my transition… so far.

At the end of last year, I decided to make a drastic change in my professional life. After over 10 years spent with the Reebok brand, I chose to leave
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